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Students You Should Know: January 2023

Learn about impactful students at WHS

Daniella Solares


January 6, 2023

Positively Purple - Dani Montgomery (9) talks about the amazing opportunities offered at WHS as she poses for her student spotlight.

Dani Montgomery (9)

Q: What was the process to be selected for the ACTS program?

A: The first thing [Mrs. Gipe] said was it’s sort of a nomination system. She’ll send out an email, and the teachers will respond with names of freshmen that they think are leaders or have leadership potential… You had to get over 10 nominations to get selected, and they picked the top ten people with the most.

Q: Can you elaborate on your involvement in Robbie’s Hope?

A: I was selected as an intern at the beginning of the school year, so I’ve been going to their weekly [executive] meetings Wednesday mornings. Part of my commitment is going to be sponsorship for our upcoming gala in May… and learning from exec members so I can lead [the club] next year. For example, at the swim meet we recently hosted against HSE and Franklin Central, I had a speech to around 300 people. It was about athletes… mental health… [and] spreading awareness!

Q: What encouraged you to get involved?

A: In middle school, there aren’t many clubs and there aren’t many classes you can take. I knew that in high school I kept seeing these things around the school like being an exchange student, which I will be doing this summer, or art club. There’s just something for everybody. I chose Robbie’s Hope because mental health is important to me.

Fall whereabouts - Ella McGrath (10) enjoys the ambiance of the trees in the refreshing fall weather.

Ella McGrath (10)

Q: What have you gained from the extracurriculars you’re involved in?

A: From student government, I’ve gained great leadership experience from people like Cooper Tinsley, Nora Flickinger, and so many more. From cross country I’ve gained a lot more confidence in myself [and] that I can do hard things…. Also from cross country, I’ve gained a new appreciation for my coaches. Even when they are going through their own battles they still show up for the team every day.

Q: What’s a big passion of yours and why?

A: I am very passionate about my religion and my church. I love being able to serve God and help people grow closer to Him. My main goal in life is to be a lawyer so I can help others when they can’t help themselves.

Q: What are some goals you have for the rest of high school?

A: My main goals for [high school] are to graduate with the AP Capstone Diploma, continue working on two clubs… make new friends… and have a great cross country season.

Homecoming Bliss - Keegan Connor (11) sports her sparkling dress in the stunning outdoors.

Keegan Connor (11)

Q: What made you start singing and acting?

A: Ever since my first musical in 1st grade at Oak Trace, I have been drawn to performing! I would always sing and dance around the house, and I dreamed to be onstage. Since both of my parents were involved with TV and have been in a performing light before, I followed in their footsteps, specifically my mom’s. She loved performing in musicals and even moved to New York to follow her dreams and she has been a huge impact on why I want to be a musical theatre performer.

Q: Do you have any inspiration or role models?

A: Definitely! I got to work with Taylor Louderman on a special project during COVID! She is an actress who has been in multiple musicals on Broadway, including Mean Girls the Musical as Regina George. Being able to work with my role model on a zoomical (zoom musical) was super cool and all of our hard work was even featured on! This was a dream come true, and I would love to work with her again someday.

Q: Any new projects or recent releases? Where are they available?

A: I have 3 new songs out on all major streaming platforms, and I have over 80K streams! My favorite and most recent original song is “Dove” which is the song most near and dear to my heart because of what a dove symbolizes. This whole song is about letting go and becoming the person that you want to be instead of dwelling in the past. I believe it’s my most relevant and relatable song I have ever written. I have also been working with a co-writer on some new songs that will hopefully be in the works soon!

Go Green - Delainey Wallace (12) supports a local plant store, spreading her enthusiastic love of plants.

Delainey Wallace (12)

Q: What has your school involvement looked like throughout high school?

A: I was involved in Dance Marathon more as an underclassman as I shifted my focus on student government. Throughout high school I’ve also been involved in School of Rock in Carmel; I’ve been there for seven years now… as well as having jobs. I’ve worked at Quack Daddy Donuts my freshman and sophomore years, and then I began working at Biggby at the end of my junior year. I’ve also worked at School of Rock through their Rookie Program… My junior year it really picked up. I chose to stop doing yearbook and instead I was VP of Communications for student government.

Q: What are some responsibilities you have at student body vice president this year?

A: Through student government, I coordinate with Drew, our student body president, on events throughout the year. We have Cookies with Santa, our main community-based event, Homecoming, Sadie’s, Mr. Westfield-- all of those are student government events but they’re also class events. Although I’m not directly in charge of all of them… I help keep track of a lot of our committees and work with them, especially for events and finance. We’re helping [our finance chairs] keep track of all the money aspects, getting our RSO forms, and figuring out if clubs need money how we can help them.

Q: What’s some advice you’d give to underclassmen?

A: I would say just try anything out that you find interesting, but don’t overwhelm yourself. I struggled with thinking I had to do everything. Figure out your top three things you really like, whether that be academics, in school, out of school, figure out what you really enjoy… and don’t force yourself to do other things because if I had stuck with Dance Marathon, Yearbook, and Student Government, I would not be where I am now. I would say it’s very important to know where your interests lie.

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