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Graduation 2024: Advice to Future Classes

Audrey Roeder

Staff Writer 

May 28, 2024

The 2023-2024 school year is coming to an end but for seniors, it’s much more than that, this is the end of their high school experience. Although it has felt much longer, they have spent the last four years here. Those years they have learned (in and out of the classroom), created memories, struggled in their own ways, spent countless hours studying, and possibly most importantly, made mistakes. Some of which are small and irrelevant while others are larger. However, the good thing about regrets is they can be learned from to advise others from repeating them. Some seniors shared their biggest regrets from their time here at Westfield and their advice to underclassmen to avoid making the same mistakes.

While everyone may have different regrets from high school, some seniors agree that they regret not getting more involved in school events or not putting themselves out there enough. 

Photo courtesy of Shannon McQuillen

Wintertime Showdown - Shannon McQuillen and friends dressed up for the ski theme at a football game

“I would say I probably regret not going to more things,” senior Ella Lowery said. “I did a lot in the time I was at the high school but I often didn’t do the little things like go watch that game or get ice cream after practice. Those are some of my favorite memories but I didn’t end up making a lot of time for them.”

And she recommends that underclassmen should, “mostly just make time for those moments because they matter just as much as showing up to a club or something like that.”

Photo courtesy of Hadley Wettshurack

Howdy, ya'll! - A group of seniors at a football game dressed up for the country theme.

Senior Hadley Wettschurack gave similar advice. “Really make an effort to put yourself out there and go to school events because they are usually super fun!” she said.

Other seniors regret how they planned out their schedules throughout high school. In most cases, sophomores jump at the opportunity to take a bunch of AP classes their sophomore year because they’re excited to take them. But many seniors said that was their biggest regret.

“I regret taking all honors and AP classes my sophomore year because it caused a lot of unavoidable stress for me,” senior Celeste Johnson said.

Many recommend spreading out the harder classes like AP and honors throughout the high school years. Taking too many difficult classes can cause a lot of stress and even lead to getting a bad grade in the class. Plus all the work and studying that comes with harder classes can take away from other aspects of the high school experience.

On a happier note, you’re done, seniors! If you’re anything like me you're probably wondering where everyone is going. So I asked a couple of seniors what their plans are now that they’re done with high school.

Most people will be attending colleges in the state or relatively close to Indiana.

“I will be attending Ball State in the fall, and I am very excited,” senior Colin Alber said.

“My plan is to go to Ball State for my bachelor's degree in art education,” senior Rylie Redstone said.

However, there are some Shamrocks that will be attending colleges quite some ways away. 

Photo courtesy of Keegan Connor

Roll Tide - Keegan Connor, an upcoming University of Alabama student, poses with her Bama gear.

Senior, Celeste Johnson is one of those people. She said, “I am going to the University of Alabama at Birmingham to study Biomedical Sciences on a Pre-PA path!”

No matter where life takes them, congratulations to all the graduating seniors who have made it this far, and now it’s on to the next chapter!

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