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Students You Should Know

Learn about impactful students at WHS

Daniella Solares


December 9, 2022

Act Casual - Emerson Dierkes (9) flashes a smile and poses for her student spotlight.

Emerson Dierkes (9)

Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: I am involved in Dance Marathon, HUGS, and tennis.

Q: What is your main focus or priority?

A: My main focus is tennis. I really like it; it’s a good balance I feel.

Q: How did you feel starting high school and what made you want to get involved?

A: It was a little difficult at first. I knew not only that it’s good for colleges to get involved but also just overall to make it a better experience. There was also a lot of information about clubs so that helped to be given those options.

Q: How do you balance school and activities?

A: I try to just set good scheduling. When I get home I do my homework, and then I’ll have time to do other stuff like play tennis or any club stuff.

Diving in - Bridget Mick (10) represents Westfield in their meet against Brownsburg on November 26.

Bridget Mick (10)

Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: I play a pretty active role in student government, National Charity League (NCL), and the club and high school swim team.

Q: What’s your favorite activity that helps you let loose?

I think my favorite activity would have to be singing for my youth group’s worship team.

Q: What are a few responsibilities as sophomore class president?

A: My main responsibility is overseeing and planning the Sadie Hawkins dance with Caleb Haney, the freshman class president. The club has [executive] meetings every Friday morning where we work out details for upcoming events. Right now with the holidays, I am helping out with Cookies with Santa, the annual family-friendly holiday event, and the Sadie Hawkins dance.

Q: What’s a goal for you in student government?

A: A goal for student government is to bridge the gap between administration and students, and I hope that during the presidency I am helping achieve that goal!

Q: What’s a goal you’d like to achieve within your high school career?

A: By the end of high school, I mainly wish to be prepared for college while also being able to look back and feel like I did the most with the time I was given. Even though I am a little busy, I try to be intentional about taking breaks, spending time with family, and enjoying fun high school things like sporting events or school plays. I hope by the end of high school, I can leave WHS feeling confident for the steps that follow!

Cheesing in cheetah print - Nora Flickinger (11) relaxing at a local shop in Florida.

Nora Flickinger (11)

Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: In school, I am involved in Dance Marathon, DECA, Care like Cate, Robbie’s Hope, student government, junior class office, and ski club. Outside of school, I have a job, I teach Sunday school at my church, and I am a part of the National Charity League!

Q: Can you elaborate a little bit about your DECA experience?

A: DECA was a super cool experience that I truly will never forget. I was able to qualify to go to internationals my very first year! Through a bit of hard work in my presentations… and [in] my testing I was able to come fourth in the state and go to Atlanta! Last year I competed in Principles of Business Management and Administration and this year I am competing in Quick Serve Restaurant Management! I hope I can qualify this year and go to Disney!

Q: What’s something you hope to do as a senior?

A: As a senior, I hope that I can leave a lasting impression on Westfield! I am super excited to be a senior mentor and be able to start freshmen’s years off great like my mentors did for me!

Q: What’s some advice you’d give to freshmen?

A: Join clubs, join every single one you find somewhat interesting! It unfortunately, becomes harder to join clubs as you get older so join everything! You also never know who is waiting in that club to be your next greatest mentor… Be sure to find people that are older than you and latch on to them, you never know when you are going to need a ride, some good advice, or maybe just a hug!

Stop and smell the sunshine - Annie Spaletto (12) enjoying the sunny outdoors during a photo shoot for her senior pictures.

Annie Spaletto (12)

Q: What activities are you involved in?

A: Last year was my first year on the Care Like Cate Exec Team. I was the service committee leader. This year I am the social media director.. and I have an intern under me to take over next year. I am also a member of NHS as well as NHS President. I’m involved with student government; I am a senior class officer. I am involved with the Crohns and Colitis Foundation. I was their 2021 Ambassador for the Indiana Chapter… I am continuing my fundraising and helping plan the Take Steps Event…. I am also involved with the Joseph Maley Foundation which is a non-profit organization focused on spreading awareness for people of all abilities… the last two years I’ve been a Disability Awareness Speaker talking to kids at elementary schools about hidden disabilities.

Q: Can you elaborate on hidden disabilities?

A: Sure! A lot of disabilities you can’t see just by looking at someone, which is why it’s so important to not judge a book by its cover. Specifically, Crohn’s Disease is what I have and it’s classified as a disability, but you can’t see that just by looking at me… and something like ADHD you can’t see just by looking at someone.

Q: What are some of your responsibilities as NHS President?

A: I didn’t quite know what it entailed, but through this year I found that not only does it involve planning the club meetings, talking at the club meetings, but I also had a lot to do with the induction… I meet with Mrs. Berg at least once a week and I discuss where the club is going, possible ideas for future meetings, maybe doing something for fun. We’re talking about planning a Christmas meeting. It’s more about innovations for the clubs and how to keep our members engaged. A big part of it is also finding service hours for our club.

Q: What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

A: As long as I have done my part in spreading joy to not just the students around me, my friends, but also the teachers, the staff in the hallways, just smiling at the janitors as they walk by. Stuff like that can make a huge difference… it’s something as simple as that that can brighten someone’s day.

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