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Recharging with R&R

Updated: Sep 8, 2019

by ERIN CLARK and THOMAS PUGH - Students and teachers relay their Spring Break destinations.

WESTFIELD, Ind. (March 29, 2019) - Spring Break. The long awaited escape from school that students and teachers alike yearn for after winter. Whether it will be staying in bed recovering long lost sleep or traveling all over the world, WHS students anticipate their final break this school year.

For Brayden Campbell (11), Spring Break offers an opportunity to see family and enjoy the time off just being a teenager.

“I’m going to go to Fort Wayne to visit family for probably half of the break,” Campbell said. “Then for the rest of the break, I’m going to hang out with some friends in Westfield and Carmel. I’m also planning on staying up late and playing video games with my buddies. I’m really going to miss the people I have in my classes and my teachers, but definitely not homework and projects.”

On the other hand, some students can’t wait to get as far away from school as possible.

“I’m going to hike in St. Kitts in the Caribbean on a mountain called Mount Misery,” Alex Vensel (12) said. “It’s an active volcano, and we’re going to hike up it. I’m flying down with my parents and my cousins, and we’re going to be staying in a condo that we’re renting. We’ll be staying by a beach, and it will be really chill. I’ll definitely miss seeing my friends on a daily basis, but I won’t miss government class at all.”

While traveling out of the country is exciting, many equally exciting attractions reside within the states; both on and between the coasts.

“I’m staying home until next Friday, and then I’m going to St. Louis,” Sophie Cavanagh (9) said. “My dad is doing a marathon, and then we’re going to do some sight seeing. We’ll probably go see the arch, and maybe a couple of museums. I’m looking forward to going to a place I’ve never been before and spending time with my family. The only thing I’m not really looking forward to is that the trip is a four-hour drive.”

The drives may be long and grueling, but the destinations are worthwhile; they provide a long needed getaway to allow students to forget about school and refocus their energy through relaxation.

“I am going to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina,” Maddie Hunter (11) said. “I’ll be hanging out on the beach, going to the pool and eating good seafood, just not thinking about school. I’m looking forward to the lack of stress and the time that I have to go away from school, to relax, and regain motivation for when we get back. I’m least looking forward to the fact that it’ll end, and there’s no more breaks for the rest of the school year.”

Coincidentally, Hunter isn’t the only student making the journey to Hilton Head Island. CJ McConnell (10) has similar plans, but also has fewer post-spring-break worries.

“I’ll mostly be relaxing while enjoying not being in Indiana weather,” McConnell said. “I’m looking forward to going to the beach and hanging out with my family. There’s nothing I’m not looking forward to; it’s spring break.”

And, like students, teachers will also be recharging before the end of the school year.

“Though I’m not too excited about ten-day travels with a one-year old, for Spring Break I’ll be relaxing on Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island,” English teacher Mrs. Erika Seymour said. “I’m most excited for rest and relaxation, and ending the school year strong.”

Whether staying close to home, traveling the nation or completely leaving it behind, spring break is the last hurrah before the most long-awaited break of all: summer.

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