By ALAINA TRUMBULL, November 15, 2021
I don’t wash my dishes.
When I put them in the sink
I let them sit there and I
stare at them. I sit
and stare at them.
I have water
and dish soap
and a sponge,
but I still just look at the pile
knowing I will have to
do them,
do something about them.
It’s a bad habit of mine;
I have broken it a few times.
When it seems like doing the dishes
is easier than the other
I have to do,
I keep my sink clean.
My dishes no longer touch the metallic bottom when my sink is clean.
All it takes is one moment;
then I start piling again
and the more I pile
the harder it gets to do them—
and I know that it will only get harder from here
and I acknowledge it.
But I will still just
At the dirty dishes.