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My Lovely Mom

Taylor Mcbride - September 13, 2022

Image by - Maria Santaniello

My lovely mom—

someone whom I dearly love

but need to think more of.

She takes care of the house:

scrubbing away at the old tile floor

that grounds me when I get home after school,

watering the vibrant plants

that supply me with fresh air,

cooking the supper

that nourishes my body each evening.

She lights candles around the room

holding a lovely fragrance

that embraces me as I walk in;

I know I’ll miss those warm

scents of vanilla or fruit or pine.

She roams around the house

with a comforting fragrance of her own,

be it from perfume or from lotion.

Her smile is contagious,

lighting up a room when I need it most.

Her laughter—music to my ears

always easing my stress.

Though with her smile,

I see wrinkles adorning her face.

Puffs of smoke fly up in the air

as she lights her cigarette.

She will not be around forever

I must give her my time and attention

and remind her that

she will always be my lovely mom.

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