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Love is in the Air

by BRENNA WILLIS - February 14, 2021 - In honor of Valentine's Day, some of the couples at Westfield describe their relationship as well as provide advice on how to keep a healthy relationship.

Jacob Woolsey (12) and Madison Walker (12)

“One word I would use to describe our relationship is connection, and I think we both agree on this word. Before we started dating, we talked for about two-three weeks to build up that good solid foundation of trust and to make sure we had a solid connection before we dove

into anything.” - Madison Walker (12)

Zack Heilmann (10) and Lauren Dean (10)

Photo courtesy of: Lauren Dean

“We have been dating since July 29, 2018 so roughly 2 1/2 years. It’s really hard to pinpoint our favorite memory, but I would have to say that Fall Break of 2020 was one of the many highlights of our relationship. Our families rented a house together in Rosemary Beach, Florida and the memories we made were unforgettable.” - Lauren Dean (10)

Jarrett Evans (9) and Erin Annandale (9)

“We have been dating for one year. We would describe our relationship as selfless because both of us are focused on each other's happiness instead of ourselves.” - Erin Annandale (9)

Magwire Graybill (11) and Avery Good (11)

“The most important thing for keeping a healthy relationship between us has been keeping communication a top priority and making sure to find time to spend time with each other, no matter how busy we get!” - Avery Good (11)

Owen Flynn (10) and Mallory Hopper (10)

“If we could describe our relationship in one word, we would have to choose meaningful. We both rely on each other and both have an impact on the other's life! We're always there for each other through all the hard patches of life.” - Mallory Hopper (10)

Collin Alber and Keegan Conner

Photo courtesy of: Keegan Conner

“We have been dating for 2 years on January 15th. The best advice for keeping a healthy relationship is encouragement! We never say something that would hurt one another in any way. Anytime one of us puts ourselves down, we always bring each other back up!” - Keegan Conner (9).

Peter Deck (10) and Emma Novak (11)

Photo courtesy of: Emma Novak

“My favorite memory was in the wintertime some of our friends did a zoom call secret santa. Each person was randomly assigned a person and I happened to be randomly assigned to him! It was so fun for me to keep up the secret that I was his secret santa and I came up with huge elaborate lies to convince him that I had someone else. In the end, it was really fun to see him open the gift and be really surprised!” - Emma Novak (11)

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