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What did WHS do over fall break?

The frenzied trips provide a glimpse over the vast world outside of school

Nhi Thai

Staff Writer

October 29, 2021

Although fall break is only one week long, students take the opportunity to go to a variety of places and gain many new experiences.

Many students went on vacation to a place south of Indiana so they can soak in the sun and warmth. Terry Michael (10) went to Los Angeles and Las Vegas with her family to attend a wedding, some shows, and several other events.

“We got to see a fountain show and the Blue Moon Guys show,” Michael said. “I also saw the mini Eiffel Tower. Vegas was a short trip but an amazing one nonetheless.”

Mallory Bontrager (10) also went to Las Vegas and got to do the most daring task of her life.

“We went on the Strip, the Sign, and I jumped off the Stratosphere Casino,” Bontrager said. ”It was 855 ft! It was definitely my favorite part of the trip.”

The break gives time to do other important activities like preparing for college. To prepare, some have taken the initiative to visit campuses. Ryan Barrett (11) went on five college trips with her mom.

“We drove to Clemson University and walked around the campus for a while,” Barrett said. “Then we went to the University of South Carolina, and it was amazing with a gorgeous campus! The next couple of days we went to the University of Tennessee, Western Kentucky, and Belmont.”

Not everyone chose to go on exotic trips, however. Some stayed in Indiana. Brooklyn Switalski (9) stayed home and relaxed with her family and friends.

“I went to the Soldiers and Sailors monument, and I went to Indiana Fear Farm,” Switalski said. “Also, I went to my favorite pizza place, Georgio’s.”

Even though fall break gives you leisure from learning, Dylan Burrous (10) took his hunger for knowledge to St. Louis.

“I went to the national museum of transportation in St. Louis where I got to see a diverse collection of steam locomotives, cars, and diesel,” Burrous said. “To add to the fun, I got to meet Al Weber, president of the National Railway Historical Society.”

A break from school allowed students to seize numerous real-world opportunities. Burrous gained many opportunities from his trip that allowed him to think about the future.

“I was suggested to join the Railway Preservation Movement by the president of the NRHS,” Burrous said. “ Things are looking up for me

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