by CONNOR MCLAREN - March 7, 2019
Greatness achieved by satisfaction
The gold greater than the trip
We live in a cave called education
Understand more when I skip
The living want to go to Heaven
But they fear when death is due
Everyone’s eyes shine hollow white while mine are only blue
100-yard fields cut down in minutes
Fire’s beating thin trees
Making it impossible to win it
With bribery and fees
The dominoes will be immense
The people regretful too
Everyone’s eyes shine vacant white while mine are only blue
Beauty pageants fantasize peace
A wish that we can’t reach
Cause problems that arise with a leader’s leash
The evil don’t know the hate that they teach
He’d like to live, don’t shoot him
I think you’ll agree soon
Everyone’s eyes shine static white while mine are only blue
Drum beats only last so long
We play along with the Earth
Remembered greats will soon be gone
Changed history taints their worth
New stars will soon make their light
But won’t change the haiku
Everyone’s eyes shine pale white while mine are only blue
Reading Greek fables now nothing more
Stories over lessons
Somehow different than Christian lore
Maybe one day regression
The prophet died for what he thought was right
Now they say protestors don’t ring true
Everyone’s eyes shine hollow white while mine are only blue