A photo series capturing activities from the Cookies With Santa event that took place on December 11, 2021.
Ava Boedeker
Lead Photographer
December 14, 2021

Cookie decorating was made available in the learning center.

Llamas were present and participants were allowed to pet them and get their pictures taken with them.

A crowd favorite, the bounce house, allowed participants to race each other through it to the other side.

Santa made an appearance to get pictures with the kids who waited in line to see him.

Face painting was a big hit at the event.

Writing letters to Santa is hard work.

Participants could color Christmas-related pictures to bring home with them.

Even the littlest kids could get their faces painted.

Crafts such as making a Santa out of a plate and cotton balls were made available at the event.

People of all ages were able to enjoy the company of the llamas.

Kids were able to color on a house with whatever colors they wanted.

Coloring pictures is hard work.

A crowd gathers around the table to write letters to Santa.

Santa was a big hit among the crowd.