by COOPER TINSLEY and BRENNA WILLIS - May 24, 2021 - Class superlatives
Disclaimer: Some of the titles below were suggested by classmates from the WHS Class of 2021. The results were collected from a survey taken by the WHS Seniors voluntarily. Only about one-third of the class responded to the survey. Congratulations to the following seniors!
Most likely to survive in the Hunger Games:
Carson Voorhis
Best hair:
Lyle Beam
Best smile:
Ellary Detamore
Most likely to become America’s Next Top Model:
Grace Stewart
Funniest Girl:
Mairin McAndrews
Funniest Guy:
Quentin Markle
Most likely to win the Olympics:
Kierstyn Ballard
Best eyes:
Elly Grenda
Best laugh:
Connor Housefield
Most likely to be famous:
Jake Richardson
Biggest flirt:
Benji Welch
Life of the party:
Carson Voorhis
Cutest couple: Armando Tandy and Lauren Kajdan
Most changed:
Christian Sherrick
Most likely to succeed:
Jake Richardson
Best bromance:
Kyle Pape and Joey Wolfe
Most likely to never be single:
Jessica Castor
Most spirited:
Jeannelle Rooney
Most likely to brighten your day:
Ellary Detamore
Biggest drama queen:
Chloe Johns
Most likely to leave Westfield and never come back:
Connor Housefield
Biggest heartbreaker:
Luke Naas
Most likely to be taking a selfie:
Jessica Castor
Most likely to become a nun: Reagan Formisani
Most likely to get married first: Lili Whitehead
Most likely to have the hottest husband:
Ellary Detamore
Most likely to have the hottest wife:
Adam Fineberg
Most unique 2021 classmate:
Connor Housefield
Class clown: Logan Nickel
Most likely to be president (three way tie):
Armando Tandy, Wesley Brooks, or Jake Richardson
Most likely to end up on Broadway:
Ellye Tibbets
Most likely to star in own reality show:
Connor Housefield
Most likely to win a Nobel Prize:
Jake Richardson