Most likely to survive in the Hunger Games

Thadeus O’Neill
Best hair

Sumaiyah Ryan
Most contagious smile (tie)

Mel Graham and Maya Francisco
Most likely to become America’s Next Top Model

Paige Kim
Funniest Girl

Samantha Smith
Funniest Guy

John Foster
Most likely to win the Olympics

Kai Connor
Best eyes
Isaac Lutz (not pictured)
Best laugh

Brookly Miner
Most likely to be famous

Gage Stanifer
Biggest flirt
Nic Depasquale (not pictured)
Life of the party

Maximus Webster
Cutest couple

Josie Newell and Mac Clarke
Most changed

Sydney Harris
Most likely to succeed

Seth McConkey
Best bromance

Will Strahm and Vance Farrar
Most likely to never be single

Madison Neihaus
Most spirited
Lana Reinking (not pictured)
Most likely to brighten your day
Andy Spoljaric (not pictured)
Biggest drama queen
Emma Schwind (not pictured)
Most likely to leave Westfield and never come back

Natalie Kishko
Biggest heartbreaker

Jackson Wasserstrom
Most likely to be taking a selfie
Sydney Miller (not pictured)
Most likely to become a nun
Rachel McManus (not pictured)
Most likely to get married first

Avery Good
Most likely to have the hottest husband

Bre Koester
Most likely to have the hottest wife

Micah Hauser
Most unique 2022 classmate

Alyx Williams
Class clown

Greg Gerardot
Best smile (tie)

Allie Hopp and Chesney Tebbe
Most likely to be president

Cooper Tinsley
Most likely to end up on Broadway

Alex Arnold
Most likely to star in their own reality show

Grace Welsh
Most likely to win a Nobel Prize

Anna Kantar
Most school spirit (tie)

Jack Woodard and Kade Robinson
Most likely to be late to graduation

Joe Sawyer